The Dataset

The Hemibrain dataset, initially released in January 2020, was managed by DVID for most of its production. We can provide a replica of our production DVID system and the databases, complete save for some irrelevant data for outside use. Due to the large download sizes and our changing the underlying system, we suggest using neuPrint and the variety of software libraries explained in our Hemibrain release blog entry unless you need additional data or versions not present in the analysis-oriented formats.

The following descriptions are from the original Hemibrain v1.0 release.
Please drop us a note if you would like access to the updated V1.2 DVID dataset.

The grayscale image volume

The grayscale data is available through your own local DVID server (165 MB) with data storage provided by Google-owned cloud storage (gs://hemibrain-raw-grayscale). Both raw and 3D JPEG grayscale data are available in that Google Cloud Storage bucket. Just follow the README instructions after unpacking the downloaded tarball.

All other reconstruction data

While the above grayscale server uses data in the cloud, our production DVID server for reconstruction requires a reasonably powerful server (depending on the anticipated user load) and a slightly more involved installation process. First, you'll have to download the DVID system (identical to the above grayscale download save a different TOML configuration file). Then, you'll have to download databases to local disks before starting the server.

Step 1: Download the DVID system

First, download the DVID packaged tarball file (168 MB, preconfigured for this dataset) and untar it:

% tar xjvf hemibrain-dvid.tar.bz2

If you download through the browser, it's possible it will automatically uncompress the file and you'll already have a tar file without the bz2 extension. When untarring the file, you may get Ignoring unknown extended header keyword errors if you are on Ubuntu. That's OK and is just extra Mac tar file data that can be ignored.

Within the untarred directory hemibrain-dvid is a configuration file hemibrain-release.toml. This configuration assumes you are downloading the databases to a sibling directory databases like the following directory structure:

/hemibrain-dvid (directory containing the untarred dvid release)

If you choose to store the databases at different locations, edit hemibrain-release.toml to point to the appropriate directories. This will also allow you to distribute the databases to different disk drives. We recommend using NVMe SSD drives due to their exceptional performance.

If you are also running a grayscale dvid server, you must change the ports on either that one or this dvid server since both are by default using ports 8000 and 8001. For example, change the grayscale dvid server TOML file to use ports 9000 and 9001 then restart that server. You will then be able to access the grayscale image volume on port 9000 and all the other reconstruction data on port 8000.

Step 2: Download the databases that you need

Our original databases have data at 50+ timepoints, but for this release, we've reduced the data to three versions: one of the earliest versions in 2018, an intermediate version after revising the synapses, and the final version published as part of our Hemibrain release. This brings down the size of the databases to 1.2 TB. You can choose which of the databases you'd like to download (segmentation, other labelmaps, synapses, meshes, etc). If you choose not to download a database, the data from that database won't be available but the DVID system will still work.

The databases are available in the following Google Cloud Storage bucket: gs://hemibrain-dvid-segmentation/databases

We suggest using the Google gsutil tool:

Create a databases directory that is a sibling of the untarred DVID package, then download the databases you want. The following commands assume you are in the directory you downloaded the DVID packaged tarball file.

% mkdir databases # should be sibling of the untarred hemibrain-dvid directory
% gsutil -m cp -r gs://hemibrain-dvid-segmentation/databases/metadata databases
% gsutil -m cp -r gs://hemibrain-dvid-segmentation/databases/segmentation databases
% gsutil -m cp -r gs://hemibrain-dvid-segmentation/databases/mutlog databases
% chown -R me:mygroup databases # makes sure you can actually write to those DBs

You are required to download the small "metadata" database but can choose some combination of the other databases. The full dataset is comprised of the following databases:

718 GBsegmentationHighly compressed supervoxel uint64 ids per voxel
3.5 GBmutlogRequired if using segmentation. Supplies the supervoxel-to-label mappings
225 GBother-labelmapsMitochondria, ROIs, etc.
145 GBmeshesNeuroglancer format
47 GBsynapsesPre- and post-synaptic annotations
10 GBkeyvaluesSimilar to a versioned file system with JSON files, etc
38 GBannotations3d point annotations like bookmarks
1.7 GBroisRegions of Interest

Step 3: Run the server

From within the hemibrain-dvid directory, launch dvid using the appropriate executable for your platform.

1) For Linux:

% linux/bin/dvid serve hemibrain-release.toml

2) For Mac

% mac/bin/dvid serve hemibrain-release.toml

If you are running macOS Cataline (10.15) or newer, Apple has increased software protections that can lead to your being unable to run the program.

In order to workaround the problem, please execute the following from the hemibrain-dvid directory:

% xattr -r -d mac/lib mac/bin

If you are successful, the server will log messages to /tmp/hemibrain-release.log or whatever directory is specified for logging in the hemibrain-release.toml file in this directory. You can modify that TOML file to configure your server including the ports it runs on. You can use the browser to inspect the dvid server using http://localhost:8000.

Other useful commands to try:

% tail -f /tmp/hemibrain-release.log
% <os>/bin/dvid about
% <os>/bin/dvid help